Associate Portal

At Sizemore, Inc., we are committed to supporting our associates with the tools and resources they need to succeed. This portal serves as your central hub for important updates, company resources, and essential information to help you stay informed and connected.
Associate’s Manual
Handwashing Instructions
Sizemore 401(k)
Summary Plan Description for Sizemore Inc 401(k) Plan 2019
401(K) Safe Harbor Notice To All Eligible Associates
This is an annual notice and only applies to the Plan Year beginning on January 1, 2021
This notice covers the following points:
- How much you can contribute to the Plan;
- What other amounts the Employer will contribute to the Plan for you; and
- When your Plan account will be vested (that is, not lost when you leave your job), and when you can receive a distribution of your Plan account
Annual Participant Fee Disclosure - Sizemore, Inc. 401(k) Plan
Important Notice concerning Plan and Investment-Related Information, Including Investment Option Performance History, Fees and Expenses.
Pension Protection Act Annual Memo
The Pension Protection Act (PPA) introduced requirements regarding information that must be provided to you by the Plan. You may receive this information from different sources, in multiple documents and at different times as described in the full document.